I started Chamber Meditations as a concert series that combines improvised chamber music, ambient sound healing, breathwork, and mantra to welcome the community to relax in a sacred space of intentional healing.
April, 11th 2024 In the Princeton University Chapel
Chamber Meditations #5_ GROUP SING
In this immersive choral meditation of guided breathwork and live improvised music, the audience was invited to move, breathe and hum with the chamber choir, offering them a visceral, full bodied, sound walk through the chapel.
Hope Littwin - Choral conductor
Sadia Bruce - Breathwork Guide
Marcus Broderick Montgomery- Prayer Guide
Agnes Coakley Cox- Song leader
Caroline Olsen - Song leader
Jeff Cutts - Song leader
Brian Mummert - Song leader
Ray Cetta - Guitar and Bass
Chamber Meditations #4_ JOY FLOW
This special iteration of Chamber Meditations is aimed at nurturing joy and play through breathwork, guided meditation, dance and live music. Tap dancers, street percussionists and a DJ were added to our chamber group to create a lively rhythmic trance.
Aj Alvarez - Breathwork Facilitator
Hope Littwin - VOICE
Brittany Lowen - BOWLS and VOICE
Cleek Schrey - VIOLA DA GAMBA
Bradly Reise - PERCUSSION
Jabowen Dixon - TAP
Gladstone Deluxe - ELECTRONICS
November 1st 2023 in the Princeton University Chapel
Chamber Meditations #3
Join us for a very special Breathwork and Ambient Sound Healing Journey on November 1st is All Saints’ Day. It is an auspicious day to call in and work with our Ancestors. We will use the 3-step Breathing Technique to journey into a deeper state of consciousness to heal our Ancestral Lineage and celebrate this special day together.
Breathwork can change old beliefs and negative behavior patterns by moving stuck energy from your body, mind, and spirit. It is a powerful meditation technique for clearing emotional and mental blockages in your life.
This multi-dimensional healing experience will raise your vibrational frequency and help you reduce anxiety and stress. It is a powerful method that will teach you how to quiet your mind in your everyday life. Breathwork can rewire subconscious beliefs and negative behavior patterns so that you can manifest a life you truly desire and love.
Chamber Meditations #2
Our breathwork Facilitator for this concert comes from a Kundalini yoga tradition. Kundalini yoga is the yoga of transformation which uses movement, Breathwork and mantra to awaken the dormant creative power in all human beings. It’s said that when these channels of energy are open, the human can operate in super-human capacity. Most immediately, kundalini yoga and meditation very quickly brings us into a state of mental balance, relaxed alertness, and peace of mind.
Pritam Siri - Breathwork facilitator
Hope Littwin - Vocals and bowls
Cleek Schrey - Viola da gamba
Fransisco del Pino - Electric guitar
Gladstone Butler - Electronics
Gian Pietro Torrano Jacobs - Harp
Chamber Meditations #1
kundalini yoga and meditation very quickly brings us into a state of mental balance, relaxed alertness, and peace of mind. Opening and Closing Mantras OpeningTuning in (optional) We begin using a mantra or sound code to call on all the wisdom in this space and beyond. This tuning in is a way of having reverence to the lineage of those who have come before us and those who will come after.
The mantra is: Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo Aud guree nameh Jugad guerree nameh Sat guree nameh Siri guru day vay nameh. Closing We close by chanting the sound code Sat Nam. Sat Nam can be translated as “truth is my essence”.
It is a grounding mantra that connects us to our personal highest vibration of truth.
Breathwork Facilitator: Pritam Siri Vocals,
Sound Bowls: Hope Littwin
Organ: John Urban
Upright Bass: Laura-Simone Martin
Baroque Cello: Oliver Weston
Electric Guitar: Francisco del Pino