Wild Beast
Wild Beast
“Wild Beast is cold, withdrawn wickedness ... you’re so yourself that you’re beside yourself, consumed ... blood thirsty, neurotic, maximalist, visceral, disemboweling.” —Marcus Broderick
“Experimental songwriter/composer/singer, Hope Littwin, layers acoustic folk, classical art music, jazz, and electronics to create a new, raw, electro-acoustic chamber pop. "I wrote a set of songs. Dialogues between myself and the animal inside … left to confront my beast nature; unruly, destructive and ravenous. The feminine beast has an ancestral wound of injustice woven in to it's sinews that incites an ancient rage. No answers here, just presence, inquiry and steadfast solidarity." —HL
"I wrote a set of songs. Dialogues between myself and the animal inside that rears it's ugly head when someone I love betrays me; when someone I lust after refuses me; when I am alone with myself and, trembling, left to confront my beast nature; unruly, destructive and ravenous. The feminine beast has an ancestral wound of injustice woven in to it's sinews that incites an ancient rage. It howls, it scratches, it is cruelly and methodically ignored, prematurely pacified, fearfully abandoned. I sat with this beast for two years and let it speak. I watched it take over my body and mind in fits of dark nights of the soul, unquenchable desires and all consuming fits of rage. I couldn't find a way out so I made a way through, not in spite of but in solidarity with my inner beast. No answers here, just presence, inquiry and steadfast solidarity." —HL
“The soul of a man may pass into the life of a beast, or from the beast return” - Plato, Phaedrus
Vocals/Guitar/Piano: Hope Littwin
Bass: Jon Nadel
Drums: Blake Jiracek
Piano: Hana Fugisaki
Trombone: Bryant Smith
Oboe: Jen Gardner
Violin: Mallory Linehan
Cello: Jeremy Seeman
Mixed by Hope and Robert Littwin
Mastered by Hope and Robert Littwin
Recorded by Dylan Oakley and Victoria Salazar at Tribeca Flashpoint
Produced by Hope Littwin
All Songs Written and Arranged by Hope Littwin
© Hope Littwin 2017, all right reserved.
Album cover artwork by Aemi Kato-Cuarezma
“Wild Beast is cold, withdrawn wickedness ... you’re so yourself that you’re beside yourself, consumed ... blood thirsty, neurotic, maximalist, visceral, disemboweling” —Marcus Broderick